Raw, Living Foods and Their Magic

Raw, Living Foods and Their Magic

Sprouts, sea vegetables, and freshwater algae are some of the most important foods in terms of nutrients. High levels of fatty acids, minerals, proteins, and phytochemicals are all present in these foods. In other words, they offer the fundamental building elements for a wholesome existence.

The fact that they contain a lot of chlorophyll is one of the reasons they have so many health advantages. This substance boosts our immune system and aids in the delivery of oxygen to our bloodstream. Additionally, because of the structural similarity between chlorophyll and hemoglobin, more oxygen can be carried by red blood cells.

Consuming foods strong in raw chlorophyll means getting a constant blood transfusion rich in oxygen. The impact on our general health and wellbeing can be astounding. For instance, research has demonstrated that consuming raw, living foods can support heart health, lower inflammation, and even enhance cognitive performance.

Here are some of the best and most nutritious living foods to consume raw:


  • Contains the highest amounts of nutrition

  • Highest amount of Essential Fatty Acids

  • Contains Phytochemicals

Sea Vegetables (such as Dulce and Kelp)

  • Contains Minerals

  • Contains Essential Fats

Fresh Water Algae

  • Contains the highest amounts of Protein


Sprouts and Microgreens are not like other foods, and are best when eaten raw.

They are the nutrient-dense plants that grow on land. They are quite rich in nutrients and enzymes, making it simple for the body to absorb them. This enables the body to focus newly discovered energy on generating healthy cells, immune system development, and immune system regulation.

Ancient Chinese doctors were prescribing sprouts to treat illnesses as early as 5,000 years ago. They had understood the significance of diet in restoring the body's vigor.

Start with the seed, which contains both nutrients and enzymes, to better understand why these foods are so potent. Enzymes are thought of as the "life force" of food and aid in nutritional absorption as well as digestion. They serve as the starting point for all physiological processes. The seed starts to grow when the air, water, and temperature are right for it. A flow of energy, or life-force, is released as it starts to sprout.

  • The highest enzyme activity, which helps to restore our body's supply of enzymes, occurs from germination for up to seven days and is 100 times more than the enzyme content of fruits and vegetables.

  • As the starches are converted to simple sugars, the carbs become simpler to absorb.

  • Its lipids are converted to fatty acids, which are a soluble molecule that is simple to digest.

  • Its complex protein is broken down into simple amino acids, thereby "predigesting" it.

  • Production of vitamins increases three to twelve times.

  • Chelated minerals are easily digested by the body because they are chemically linked to amino acids in this natural condition.

  • Because of its thin cell walls, it can quickly release nutrients.

  • It includes plant chemicals called phytochemical that defend against disease.

  • Highly potent antioxidants found in it stop the aging process and DNA deterioration.

  • It also has more water and more fiber (up to 300%).

Sunflower: It is a 3,000-year-old plant with golden-rayed flowers that resemble the sun and is called after it. It is a good source of protein (up to 30%), lecithin, and vitamin D. (rarely found in vegetables). Its abundance in trace minerals makes it good for bones, maintaining the tone of muscles and tissues, and maintaining the health of red blood cells.

Sweet Pea: It is beneficial in lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood and is high in protease inhibitors, which stop some viruses and chemicals that cause cancer.

Buckwheat: With its anti-plaque characteristics, it encourages healthy circulation, digestion, and elimination and aids in reducing the effects of radiation. It is also an energy grain.

Clover: It is regarded as a blood purifier and contains a lot of calcium, which calms the central nervous system. It includes isoflavones, which fight cancer, as well as plant estrogens that balance hormones.

Broccoli: It has sulfophane, which prevents cancerous cell growth. Sprouts have a 10-100 times higher occurrence than broccoli as a vegetable. Additionally, it triggers the body to release glutathiones, a natural enzyme that detoxifies or neutralizes carcinogens before they harm DNA.

Radish: It is an expectorant that helps the gut flora and clears mucus from the respiratory tract as well as removing worms.

Mung, Lentil & Adzuki: They have soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol by removing harmful LDL cholesterol from the blood. In turn, this helps control insulin and blood sugar levels.

Fenugreek: It soothes mucous membranes, which also helps to reduce inflammation, cleanse and nourish the digestive system, and includes chorine (a fat controller), which aids in weight loss.

Alfalfa, mustard, garlic, cabbage, and onion are some more excellent supplemental sources of nourishment. When nuts, seeds, and grains are germinated and sprouted, their nutritional content can increase by up to eight times while toxins and enzyme inhibitors are removed, making digestion easier.

This is the world's most nutrient-dense diet when the ingredients listed above are combined. It gives our body all of the vitamins, minerals, vital fatty acids, and amino acids that it needs.

Sprouts are not only a source of life force energy, but they are also beneficial to the economy and the environment. Sprouts can be cultivated year-round in any location in the world. Growing a pound of organic, fresh, green sprouts costs less than fifty cents at a time when people are worried about the expense of living and food shortages. It simply takes a few minutes out of your day. Additionally, this lessens the load that some contemporary agricultural techniques, as well as livestock and fish production, have placed on the environment.

If you're wanting to improve your health, eating raw, living foods is something worth considering. You'll be eating crucial nutrients like hormones, phytochemicals, and enzymes in addition to all the benefits of chlorophyll.

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