Who we are

We are a small local indoor farm located in South Florida.

The microgreens came about while on a quest to improve our health as a family. Discovering them was a big win because we not only enjoyed growing them, but we also learned that they were 10-40 times more nutritious than their mature counterpart.

We now grow 28 different crops of microgreens which we are grateful to have the opportunity to share with you.

- Visit our blog, "Sustainable Me" to read: "The Story Behind The Story"

Growing our microgreens

We like to think of the microgreens that we grow as medical-grade food. We say this becasue of the care, and the amount of details that go into growing these beautiful and powerful greens.

There are 4 things that come together when growing our microgreens: The Seeds, The Soil, The Water, and Lots of Love.

  • Our Seeds

    We personally source the seeds ourselves. It is important for us to know that the seeds that we purchase are fresh, vital, and of superior quality. We do not use genetically-engineered seeds. We only use Certified Organic seeds that have been grown, harvested, stored, and handled in accord with the rules and procedures outlined by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP).

  • Our Soil

    The soil is where our amazing microgreens are going to draw their nutrients from, and because of that we choose to use a potting soil with a powerful blend of aged forest products, sphagnum peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, and soil microbes that help improve root efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake.

  • Our Water

    The question is, why stop at the seeds and soil when we know that the plants are going to absorb everything that's in the water? The water that we use goes through a 5-stage filtering system that filters metals, and inorganic chemicals listed under the EPA's national primary drinking water regulations, and contaminants listed under the EPA's secondary drinking water standards.

  • Our Love

    We love what we do! We are excited about it! We know that we are doing good and making a difference. Growing these microgreens is something way bigger than us. We know that they are powerful, nutrient-dense foods, but what if we passionatly cared for them every step of the way. What if we grew them with the utmost amount of love? What would we have in return? The answer: Food that loves, and heals you.