Reasons to Drink Plenty of Water

Reasons to Drink Plenty of Water

  • 75% of your body is water. (Blood is 91%, Muscle is 76%, the Brain is 80%, and Bones are 13%.)

  • Your most vital nutrient is water, followed by oxygen

  • Water provides 67% of the oxygen used by your body

  • You ingest water, which turns into blood

  • keeps us routinely detoxifying

  • supports healthy metabolism and is essential for cell renewal



Over 80% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration.

A University of Washington research on dieters found that nearly all of them experienced a reduction in nocturnal hunger after drinking one glass of water.

Headache, exhaustion, back discomfort, joint pain, numbness in the hands and feet, weariness, hazy short-term memory, problems with basic math, and difficulties concentrating are all signs of dehydration.

In addition to reducing the risk of breast cancer by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%, drinking enough water each day lowers the risk of colon cancer by 45%. For up to 80% of sufferers, it can also dramatically reduce back and joint discomfort.


Best ways to Rehydrate

  • Consume Living Foods

  • Vegetable juices

  • Herbal teas

  • Green coconuts

  • Drink at least half an ounce for every pound of body weight each day

  • Every night, keep a one-quart glass of water by your bed to enjoy during the night and first thing in the morning


Interesting Facts About Water

  • Every time we exhale, we lose about 2 cups of water from the air

  • Our skin loses about two cups of water per day through evaporation

  • Our pee contains about 5 to 6 cups of water every day

  • Without exercising, we lose 8 to 10 glasses of water over the course of a typical day

  • Energy is lost by 25%–30% when bodily fluids fall by as little as 5%

  • Every day, the kidneys filter 400 liters of fluid. If there isn't enough water, people may recycle water too frequently and leave behind deposits that eventually turn into stones

  • Dehydration of any severity can cause a 3% metabolic slowdown

  • The nervous system transmits electrical signals that regulate each cell's function. Our nerves function as electrical rivers, and if the water in those waterways becomes too thick due to dehydration or contamination, the signals get confused, resulting in disorders like ADHD, CFSS, anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer's

  • Despite the fact that muscle tissue is composed of 99% water molecules, the majority of commonly held beliefs regarding how muscles contract do not mention water


How much water should we consume everyday?

  • Generally speaking, you should aim to drink an ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. For instance, 75 to 150 ounces of water each day if you weigh 150 pounds.

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